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Bar Gauge

Bar Gauge

The Bar Gauge object allows you to display data from a Vantage Point Display Server in a manner similar to a thermometer.

Placement Properties

See the Placement Properties page for more information.

Bar Gauge Properties

Behavior Properties

To include information stored in a Vantage Point Server, click on the red Links icon, which will open the Point Manager window. Use the Point Manager to select the data source you wish to display in the Bar Gauge object. See the Point Manager page for more information about selecting data. The most recent value retrieved from the data source will be shown in the Current Value text box.

Maximum Value and Minimum Value are what the gauge itself displays respectively as maximum and minimum values.

Appearance Properties

For the Background, Bar Indicator, and Foreground, you can choose from one of the following options from the drop-down box (click a property for more information):

  • Linear Gradient - Transitions from one color to another.

  • Advanced Image - Uses an image for the background.

  • Blank - No colors, gradients, or images

  • Solid Color - Uses a single color for the background

  • Rectangular Gradient - Transitions from one color to another in a square pattern.

  • Image - Uses an image for the background.

  • Circular Gradient - Transitions from one color to another in a circular pattern.

The Border Properties settings allow you to choose whether or not you want the border Visible and what color you want the border to be. This border encloses the bar and ticks only, leaving the tick labels outside of it. To select a color using the Color Picker, click on the colored box to the left of Border Color. Alternately, you can enter a hexadecimal value directly into the Border Color text box. You can also be adjust the transparency of the color with the slider to the left of the text box.

Scale Properties

The Visible setting tells the presentation whether or not to display the ticks and values on the gauge. Background Color alters the color behind the values while Foreground Color alters the color of the ticks. Major Increments determine the frequency of long ticks and Minor Increments determine the frequency of short ticks. Radius adjusts the width of the gauge, altering the object's size if necessary to accommodate the new radius.

Orientation: By default, the ticks and values display to the left of the gauge, with the values increasing from bottom to top. The checked Vertical check box places the ticks and values to the left. Unchecking it will relocate them to the top, with the values increasing from right to left. Switch Scale Direction will flip the direction towards which the values increase and Switch Scale Slide will flip the ticks and values to the other side of the gauge.

Scale Border: If you have chosen, under Border Properties, to display borders, the Scale Border properties allow you to additionally place a border around the scale and to choose its color. To select a color using the Color Picker, click on the colored box to the left of Color. Alternately, you can enter a hexadecimal value directly into the Color text box. You can also be adjust the transparency of the color with the slider to the left of the text box.

Text Properties

The Visible setting under Text Properties tells the presentation whether or not to display the values of the ticks. You can also chose the color of the text by selecting  a color using the Color Picker, click on the colored box to the left of Color. Alternately, you can enter a hexadecimal value directly into the Color text box. You can also be adjust the transparency of the color with the slider to the left of the text box.

Font settings allow to further alter the appearance of these values. Select a new typeface from those installed on your computer by using the drop-down box and change the size by entering a new value into the font size text box, or by clicking on the up/down arrow and moving the mouse cursor up the screen to increase the size or down the screen to decrease the size. For Bold or Italic, simply check the appropriate box. Decimal Places allow you to add decimals to values to as many places as you indicate in the text box.

General Properties

See the General Properties page for more information.

Next Article: Data Hot Spot

See also