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Home > Vantage Point Server > Configuration Files > Legacy INI Configuration > Calculated Points > Available Operations

Available Operations

Calculated points follow the standard order of operations and can use the following operations:

Order of Operations:

Math Operators

Operator Symbol Sample Explanation
Addition   + P1+P2 Add to the values of 2 Points
Subtraction  - P2-P1 Subtract the value of a Point from the value of another Point
Multiplication  * P1*1000 Multiply the value of a Point by 1000 (eg, convert from kiloliters to liters)
Division  / P1/1000 Divide the value of a Point by 1000 (eg, convert from liters to kiloliters)
Exponentiation  ^ P1^P2 Raises the value of P1 to the power of P2.
Remainder  % %(P1/P2) Gives only remainder when the value P1 is divided by the value of P2.

Comparison Operators

Return a value of True (1) or False (0).

Operator Symbol Sample Explanation
Equal To  = P1 = 0 If P1 has a value of zero, the value given to the calculated point is True. Otherwise, the value returned is False.
Greater Than  > P1 > 1 If the value of P1 is greater than 1, the value given to the calculated point is True. Otherwise, the value returned is False.
Greater Than or Equal To  >= P1 >= 2 If P1 has a value that is greater than or equal to 2, the value given to the calculated point is True. Otherwise, the value returned is False.
Lesser Than  < P1 < 3 If the value of P1 is less than 1, the value given to the calculated point is True. Otherwise, the value returned is False.
Lesser Than or Equal To  <= P1 <= 4 If P1 has a value that is less than or equal to 4, the value given to the calculated point is True. Otherwise, the value returned is False.
Not Equal To  != P1 != 5 If the value of P1 is not equal to 5, the value given to the calculated point is True. Otherwise, the value returned is False.

Logical Operators

Return a value of True (1) or False (0).

Operator Sample Explanation
And (P1 > x) and (P2 > x) If the values of P1 and P2 are greater then x, the value given to the calculated point is True. Otherwise, the value returned is False.
Or (P1 < x) or (P1 > y)  If the value of P1 is greater than x or less than y,  the value given to the calculated point is True. Otherwise, the value returned is False.
Not (P1 < x) and not (P2 = 1) If the value of P1 is less than x and the value of P2 is not equal to 1, the value given to the calculated point is True. Otherwise, the value returned is False.

Special Operators

Operator Symbol Example Example
Rollover Integral @: @:(equation, rollover value, increment interval) Produces results that mimic a meter that resets to zero when it reaches a maximum value, such as a vehicle odometer.

 Part   Explanation
Equation   Any valid equation
Rollover Value (Optional: Default = 100) The value at which the integral will rollover to zero. If no value is specified, it will default to 100.
Increment Interval (Optional: Default = 10) The number of seconds between updates for this integral. If no value is specified, it will default to 10.

Next Article: Sample Calculated Points

See also