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Calc-Point Configuration

This article explains how to configure an Calc-Point device, from start to finish.

Unlike the other types of devices, the Calc-Point device does not require a connection, so you can skip the Manage Connections Menu.

The Calc-Points device does not require any configuration, since all of the settings for Calc-Points are applied individually to each point.  In addition, since there will always be exactly one Calc-Point device, you will not need to create a Calc-Point device, so you can skip the Manage Devices menu.

Creating a Calc-Point
The Calc-Points device is always located at the bottom of the Point List drop-down.  To create a Calc-Point, you must be in the Manage Points menu, and you must have selected "Calculated Points" from the Point List.

  1. Start by clicking the Add button, to add a new point to the list.

  2. The 'New_Point' should be selected (highlighted in the list) at this point.  If it is not selected, you will need to select it by clicking on it.

  3. Once the 'New_Point' is selected, you must provide a unique name for the point, without any spaces or special characters in it (use letters, numbers, and underscores only).  If the point's name is not unique, it will be made unique by adding a number to the end.  If you plan on using this point in a Calc-Point equation, you must not use any special characters or reserved keywords in the name.

  4. Optionally, you may enter a description into the Description field.

  5. You must specify the Update Interval in seconds.  The Update Interval determines how many seconds between each recalculation.  If your equation has changing values, it will not reflect the changes until it has been updated.  The default Update Interval is 1 second.

  6. The Equation field allows you to enter in a mathematical equation, which can use any point in the entire Vantage Point Server as inputs.  Calc-Point equations can be very simple, and easy to understand, or very sophisticated and in-depth.  For more information on the Equation, see Calc-Point Equations.

  7. The default settings for History Recording Properties are set to the recommended settings for most cases.  If you are polling at a high frequency, and want higher resolution history, you may want to change some of these settings
    (see History Recording Properties for more info)

  8. Apply your changes by clicking the Apply button.

See also