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Image and Advanced Image

These options place an external image into the presentation in either the foreground or background of an object. You can choose whether or not to Embed the image, which places the image into the presentation file once saved. Additionally, you can choose whether or not to Reload the image, which pulls the image from an external location, such as a drive on a server or an internet address, whenever the presentation is run. You may choose to select both options and the presentation will attempt to reload the image and then default to the embedded one if it is unable to reload. Note: If you select Reload only, the location you enter for the Image URL must be accessible by the presentation each time it is run.

Select the image you want to use by entering the image's location into the Image URL text box or by navigating to its location by clicking on the ellipsis box to the right of the text box.

Supported image formats are Bitmaps (*.bmp), JPEGs (*.jpg, *.jpeg), Portable Network Graphics (*.png), and Tagged Image File Format (*.tif, *.tiff).

Additional Settings for Advanced Image

Tint color allows you to colorize the image with a chosen color. You can select a color from the Color Picker by clicking on the colored box next to Tint or by entering the hexadecimal value in the text box. You can also be adjust the transparency of the color with the slider to the left of the text box.

The image you wish to use may or may not be the same size the object. Fit Settings allows you to choose how the image fits into the object. The default setting is Stretch-to-Fit which stretches or shrinks the image to fit the size of the object without maintaining the image's aspect ratio, filling the entire object with the image. Loose Fit stretches the image to fit only the longest axis, which may cut off some of the image, while Tight Fit stretches the image to fit only the shortest axis, which may leave part of the object unfilled by the image.

When only part of the image is displayed in the object using Loose Fit or Tight Fit, Alignment allows you to choose which part of the image is displayed. If the full image is displayed using Loose Fit or Tight Fit, Alignment allows you to determine the image's location within the object. Values are between -1 and 1 in increments of 0.001. The first value determines horizontal positioning while the second value determines vertical positioning.

Next Article: Linear Gradient

See also