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Manage Devices

Allows you to create and modify Device Pollers.  This menu will display a list of all user-defined Devices.  You can add or remove devices from this list, and select devices in order to view or make changes to their configurations.

Manage Devices Menu Layout

The Device List
This section contains all of the devices the server is polling.  The list displays the type and description of each device sorted by type, and then name.  When you view the Manage Devices menu for the first time, this list will most likely be empty.  You can add new devices to it by clicking theAdd button.

Device Properties
This section contains all of the settings for polling the selected device.  Depending on the type of device, certain fields will be enabled/disabled.  Every device has a descriptiontypeaddressbus numberunreliable delaypoll timeout, and poll interval, although the meaning of address andbus number changes from one type of device to another.

Connection Properties
This section contains a drop-down, which allows you to choose a devicefrom existing connections.  If no connection is chosen, a newconnection will be created, with no information.  While this section does display the properties of whichever connection is visible, it does not allow you to change them.  If you want to modify a connection, you must use theManage Connections menu.

The Manage Devices menu allows you to:

Add a Device
To add a device, click the Add button.  Once the device has been added to the list, you must select the type of the device.  Otherwise, it will not be possible to apply your changes.

Modify a Device
To modify a device, you must first select the device from the Device List, by clicking on it.  Once a device is selected, it will be possible to change the fields in the Device Properties section.

Remove a Device
To remove a device, you must first select the device from the Device List, by clicking on it.  Once a device is selected, click the Remove button.

Next Article: Manage Points

See also