If you wish to include information from a connected device by way of a Vantage Point Display Server in the Text Value object, click on the red Links icon, which will open the Point Manager window. Use the Point Manager to select the data point you wish to include in the Text Value object. See the Point Manager page for more information about selecting data.
The Message text box, by default, contains <value>, which will populate the Text Value object with the value received from the Vantage Point Display Server. If you are not using the Text Value object to retrieve a data point, you can replace <value> with whatever text you want. Otherwise, use the Postfix and Prefix text boxes to add text after and before the data point respectively.
Appearance Properties
With Background Properties and Foreground Properties, you can designate a color to go behind or in front to the text, with the color filling the entire Text Value object. Additionally, you can place an image in either one. To select a Color using the Color Picker, click on the colored box next to Color; or just enter the hexadecimal value in the text box. You can also be adjust the transparency of the color with the slider to the left of the text box. To select an Image, enter the image file's location directly into the Image URL text box or explore to its location by clicking on the ellipsis box to the right of the text box.
Supported image formats are Bitmaps (*.bmp), JPEGs (*.jpg, *.jpeg), Portable Network Graphics (*.png), and Tagged Image File Format (*.tif, *.tiff).
Text Properties
The Text Wrapping Enabled check box, when selected, wraps the text onto multiple lines while fitting the text into the constraints of the Text Value object's size. The text is displayed at the specified size and lines may overlap if the Text Value object is too small. If the Text Wrapping Enabled check box is not active, the text is displayed on a single line and the text size will shrink as necessary to fit into the width of the Text Value object if it is not wide enough to display the text at the chosen size.
Select a Color from the Color Picker by clicking on the colored box next to Color or by entering the hexadecimal value in the text box. You can also be adjust the transparency of the color with the slider to the left of the text box.
Horizontal Alignment and Vertical Alignment determine how the text is positioned within the Text Value object. The default value of (0,0) centers the text both horizontally and vertically. Values can be between -1 and 1 in 0.001 increments. Positive values in the Horizontal Alignment shift the text to the right while negative values shift it to the left. Positive values in the Vertical Alignment shift the text up while negative values shift it down.
From the Font drop down box, you can select the typeface and in the adjacent text box you can chose the text size. Alternatively, to adjust the text size, you can click on the up/down arrow box to the right of the font size text box and move the mouse cursor up the screen to enlarge the text or down the screen to shrink the text. Valid font size values are between 1 and 72 in 0.001 increments. To make the text Bold or Italic simply check the appropriate box.
If you have chosen to pull a specific numerical data point from a connected device via a Vantage Point Display Server and display that data point in a Text Value object, you can specify the number of decimal places to be displayed with the Decimal Places option. Values will round up or down.
Error Handling
The Text Value object is capable of displaying special formatting when the returned value of the linked data point is not within a desired range. To do this enable Error Handling by checking the check box. Then specify a Maximum Value and a Minimum Value by entering the desired values into the appropriate text boxes, or by clicking and holding the up/down arrow located to the left of the field name and then moving the mouse cursor up the screen to increase the value or down the screen to decrease it. When the returned value of the data point falls below the Minimum Value, the presentation will display the Lower Alarm Handling formatting. Conversely, when the returned value exceeds the Maximum Value, the presentation will display the Upper Alarm Handling formatting. If no value is returned, the presentation will display the Device Alarm Handling formatting.
For each alarm, you can specify color and add a special image. To select a Color using the Color Picker , click on the colored box next to Color; or just enter the hexadecimal value in the text box. You can also be adjust the transparency of the color with the slider to the left of the text box. To select an Image, enter the image file's location directly into the Image URL text box or explore to its location by clicking on the ellipsis box to the right of the text box.